Saturday, September 09, 2006

An Introduction

Don't you just hate first posts? I have been using an online journal for a while now, but I decided that I wanted a place to talk about my creative pursuits. I am an avid knitter, but I also draw, do watercolor, spin, cross stitch and a ton of other creative pursuits.

I think for many people these types of projects are a way to balance their work lives. I am a graduate student in chemical engineering, which can be incredibly exciting and rewarding, but it doesn't really give me an outlet to express a lot of my creativity.

I am also a mom of little 7 year old girl. Everyday I am amazed as I watch her learn new ways to develop her own artistry. As both the major person I knit for and a really creative person in her own right, I find she is one of my most common inspirations.


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