Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Majes blindfold

One of the fun things about being a maker is when those eminently-knitworthy people in your life request something very specific that that they can't find available. So when my dear Majes asked for a "dark colored blindfold like thing because I had the feel of sleep masks but I really need a sleep mask", I dug around in my stash until I found just the thing.

Yarn: Bear Brand Ever Match Sport and Sweater in black

Yarn Source: Somerville Yarn Swap

Needles: US 1 - 2.25mm

Pattern: (made-up) crocheted provisional cast-on and then kitchenered close the "tube"

This yarn has been in my stash *ahem* a long time. Like since (now grown) my kid was in middleschool. And even then it was being destashed from someone else's stash. This yarn is *old* and long since discontinued. And I still have a bunch of it.



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