Thursday, September 24, 2009

NICU hats

After my newest niece was born, she spent several days in the NICU due some health worries. The men and woman at Brigham and Women's Hospital were amazing, and after she stabilized she got to go home much sooner that most of the babies in there. My sister mentioned the idea of making them some thank you baskets (of her making) possibly with some hats for the babies there.

When Ms. S had her visit there, she was given a tiny ribbed hat like this pink one on Mr. Blue (the bear). This shape was great because it was very forgiving of different sized babies and could be rolled up as needed. This round of hats are on the large size, since they had very few that could fit a 7 lb baby. The small ones would fit a slightly smaller baby though.

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These are super addictive to make since they go so quickly. And they are a great use for even scraps of nice acrylic. It is important that they be made of something that can be washed and dried on hot for the hospital's use. Most of these are in "boy" colors, but I can see myself making a bunch more in other colors.



Blogger Patience said...

I did something similar (in a hurry) when my co-worker's son was born 6 weeks early. A couple skeins of baby yarn can turn out several hats. I think I was making one each on the inbound and outbound commutes.

On caution I've heard, though this may be an old myth, is not to use wool. The threat would be from static electricity sparks in a high-oxygen environment causing fire.

Anyone else know if that's a for-real threat, or did someone get their imagination going 50 years ago and it's been spreading ever since.

26/9/09 10:45 AM  

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