Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chiquita's Arisia Costume

Chiquita has really gotten into costuming in the last few years. This year she had a really specific vision of what she wanted in her head, but I let her know that she would have to do most of the sewing if she wanted it to happen. She is up for the challenge though.

There were a lot of firsts for her. This year we learned about staystitch, ease-stitch, and fusible interfacing. (And was fairly distressed by the smell when ironed.) She installed zippers too!

Pattern: Simplicity 4246 (A & C)
Size: Child 14

We already had a couple yards of green stretch crushed velvet that she wanted to use, so we used that rather than a woven fabric. Also Chiquita decided that she would rather have a zipper in the back of the bodice than putting in buttons and button holes. This meant that she had to adapt the pattern slightly. And since she couldn't find a zipper the right length, she learned how to shorten a zipper and use whip stitch as a zipper stay at the bottom.

This was also Chiquita's first experience working with chiffon. After only a few minutes she announced "I hate chiffon!"Don't we all, little one, don't we all. Besides the chiffon, the stretch crushed velvet also proved quite challenging. So I am so proud of her work!



Blogger pigbook1 said...

Wow! Way more complicated than any garment I have ever tried to make It looks like she did a great job!

25/1/11 9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A" asked if Chiquita was cos-playing any particular character. It is a great costume. Those are really challenging materials.

26/1/11 7:55 AM  

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