Tuesday, February 13, 2007

FO: LJ Secret Pal Swap Socks

Yarn: Fortissimo Colori Socka Color 9094 (Blue Denim)
Fiber Content: 75% wool 25% nylon
Supplier: Lakeside Fibers, Madison, WI
Needles: Knit Picks US Size 2 Circular Needles (magic loop, 2 at once)
Yardage: 458 yd
Marathon Yardage: 1665
Pattern: see below

Um so, yeah, pattern. I'll describe what I did, but this isn't really instructions except for those who have a fair bit of experience with socks. I did these toe-up. Instead of a crocheted provisional cast-on for half the stitches, like I usually do though to make a short row toe, I did the cast on for the full number (72 sts), and then did a wedge toe. Then I went back with all the stitches and knit the foot in stockinette. The heel was done as a peasant heel, and the leg was a 2X2 rib (1X1 cuff).

This was the first time that I have made socks for someone without a firm idea about the size (well I did have foot circumference and length), shape and preferences of their destined feet. Actually usually the people I knit for are harassed for fittings several times before they are done. These socks were a lot of fun to make, as they were really laissez-faire. I just let the yarn do what it wanted. They were bigger than I would have made for me, but happily my secret pal haplessknitter has feet very close in size to my SO. (Thanks love for being my slightly fuzzy model.) Yes these will be washed before gifting. Since I knit on the bus, that was a given anyways.

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