Monday, January 21, 2008

Back from Arisia

I'm back from the con! I admit to being a bit tired, but overall I am in good spirits and had a great time. There is much crafty stuff to share from the last few days, but honestly I am a bit too tired now and it would be long if done in just one post. So I will try to break it up a bit later.

For now I will just leave you with a pencil drawing of the skyline that I did while Chiquita was having her face painted this afternoon.

And since Salvbard liked it I will include a photo I took from the same spot.

Although I did my above drawing in person, I also took a reference photo to work from later since it was a great view from that high up on the Cambridge side of the Charles. I slightly misjudged my scale in the sketch, so I wasn't quite able to include the Citgo sign, though. Maybe it will find it's way into something else; I already have thoughts brewing with it.



Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely drawing and photo! :) Still waiting to see the slythern ensemble!

22/1/08 10:34 AM  

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