Sunday, January 27, 2008

IF: Tales and Legends

This week's Illustration Friday prompt was "Tales and Legends". Being a huge fantasy geek, my mind immediately turned to my favorite subject for legends: dragons.

I am not what is is about dragons, but I have been fascinated with them since I was little. Just like people, sometimes they are described as being helpful and sometimes malevolent. And although I fight it, I have to admit that I identify more than a little with the hoarding characterstic attributed to dragons as well.

2B pencil on plain moleskine

Usually when I sit down to draw I will look for reference photos first, but this drawing was sort of fun in that I didn't bother. Welcome to the inside of my brain.

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Blogger emilie said...

Hi, I found your link from the Illustration Friday page and when I read that you are a chemical engineer in your profile but you are into drawing and crafts, I thought it was great to find someone similar to me.
Nice dragon drawing...sometimes it's tougher to draw without reference photo so I admire your sketch from imagination.

28/1/08 12:57 AM  
Blogger studio lolo said...

That's a handsome dragon...and that's quite a stash of loot he's hoarding!

28/1/08 1:47 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

For awhile I had a blog button that was a Smaug style dragon atop a hoard of yarn that someone made for me but sadly that was two computers ago and it was lost in the shuffle. I've been enamored of dragons since I was 9 when a college student rooming at our house loaned me her copy of The Hobbit and later The Lord of the Rings. I was so pleased to learn I was born in the year of the dragon. I really like your illustration.

28/1/08 5:26 AM  

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