Monday, September 18, 2006

50 Non-crafty Facts

To continue with my 50 Crafty Facts for a total of 100 things about me:

1. I am a member of a CSA.

2. I was a triple major as an undergraduate (chemistry, math and physics).

3. My favorite vegetable is zuchini. I think I could live on just steamed zuchini with a little bit of freshly cracked black pepper other than that whole nutrition thing.

4. I do research that may someday contribute to you using fuel cells.

5. I have 3 step brothers, 1 half sister, and 1 full sister.

6. We have a pet African Fat Tailed Gecko named Cupric.

7. I like the flavor of onions but can't stand the texture.

8. I don't like horror movies with the exception of vampire flicks.

9. We don't have a tv, and I like it that way.

10. I am routinely asked if my daugher is my sister. The really distrubing part of this is that I actually have a sister who is younger than my daughter.

11. I am 5' 2.5". At my height you fight for that last half inch.

12. I love camping and hiking.

13. I jointly own a tandem kayak.

14. I freckle especially across my arms and shoulders.

15. I was in vocal music programs in school for 6 years.

16. I really wanted to be a boyscout when I was little. I didn't understand why my dad wouldn't let me, but it was obvious that the girlscouts was not equivalent.

17. Even when it is really hot, I will still sleep with a sheet.

18. I learned to cook when I was 10 and my parents got divorced. As my mom didn't cook, it was that or live on tv dinners until I moved out.

19. I don't like to eat meat in the summer. It isn't for any particular reason; I just don't care for it then.

20. I started getting strands of silver at 16.

21. I am allergic to mold.

22. One of my favorite songs is "Rubby Ducky" by Blümchem, known by most people who have heard it as "that techno dance remix of Ernie (from Sesame Street) singing 'Rubber Ducky' in german".

23. I have never broken any bone in my body.

24. I learned to HTML code when I was in middle school with my dad.

25. My first computer was an Apple II GS.

26. I love unagi (bbq eel sushi).

27. My least favorite domestic chore is doing the dishes.

28. I hate guessing-games.

29. I have a completely irrational fear of deep sea fish that keeps me from going to the aquarium.

30. My first real job was as a produce clerk.

31. There are few things I like better than a really ripe pear.

32. All 4 of my wisdom teeth were impacted and thus removed.

33. I have never had my driver's liscence; driving reduces me to an anxious spazy mess.

34. Only a 0.6% of the populaion has my blood type (AB-).

35. I like the metric system.

36. I love Boston.

37. I do not follow any sports teams other than in the Olympics.

38. I am a bookcrosser.

39. I grew up just down the street from the ocean.

40. When I am stressed from overwork I forget to eat; when I am emotionally stressed I over eat.

41. My accent changes slightly depending on who I am talking to.

42. I still love cuddly stuffed animals.

43. I hate being late for things so much so that I am usually early if I can help it.

44. I have been told my handwriting is too neat for me to be an engineer.

45. I love the words persnickety and ostracize.

46. I really like BPAL, a company that makes really inspired essential oil blends.

47. I love taking baths. My newest bath obsession is Fantasy Bath (particularly their bath bombs).

48. I once worked developing toothpaste and as a result I have strong preferences on what I use.

49. My partner works for iRobot, and I have robots that both vaccum and scrub my floors.

50. I have found someone I hope to spend the rest of my life with.



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