Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bazaar Bizarre

Last weekend I stopped by the Boston Bazaar Bizarre. I went last year too, and I have to say I really enjoy going, if only for inspiration.

While I was there I picked up 2 small purchases: some fiber from Miss Hawklet and a journal from If'n Books + Marks. Last year I stopped and admired Miss Hawlet's stuff, but I wasn't spinning that much yet. This year, I need my wheel fixed, but I should get a chance to play with this soon. The fiber is some wonderful merino, primarily pink, white and green but with a small amount of brown thrown in.
The Garden Girl Corace journal is so cute. I think my mom really hit the nail on the head when she pointed out it was really reminiscent of The Little Prince. This will probably become a sketching journal. Did I really need another journal? Probably not, but it was so cute. And it was supporting small artists. Okay, really, sometime I think buying journals is a sickness.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i, too, have many more journals than i need- but they are so pretty! Can never have too many; they come in terribley handy, and there's nver one around when you need it.

Your package should arrive shortly, if not already! Happy New Year!!!

1/1/07 12:39 AM  

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