Saturday, May 01, 2010

Day 6: Revisit a past F/O

Bring the fortune and life of a past finished project up to the present. Document the current state and use of an object you have knitted or crocheted…

I have actually been doing this for a bit in my recap series, looking at how socks in particular that I have made have held up. The pair for today though hasn't worn any holes yet though. They are the sienna socks I made last summer. Unfortunatley they were too long in the foot, so they hadn't gotten much wear.

This picture shows one sock with the toe ripped back and re-knit and the other marked to where I needed to rip back to. They fit a lot better now, which hopefully means they will get worn more often.

Cascade fixation is a funny yarn because of just how much it stretches. Normally I knit with only a tiny amount of negative ease lengthwise (if any), but this is the second pair I have made to the length that I would have with a wool yarn, only to find them too long. Apparently I just need to take more negative ease into account with this yarn. Between that knowledge and the fact that I am happiest knitting it on a significantly larger than expected needle size I think I am ready to tackle another pair of socks in this yarn (which is good since I have a bit of it stashed).



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