Grey Stripey Socks
Yarn Supplier: Carodan Farm Wool Shop
Toe & Heel Yarn: Jawoll Solid Superwash in 82.0124
Yarn Supplier: The Knitting Room (now closed)
Needles: US 2/2.75 mm and US 1/2.25 mm
Pattern: 72sts, top-down, modified german heel & wedge toe
I have to admit the man has some terribly shapely calves. Through a bit of trial and error, I have found that he generally likes the fit of a mostly ribbed sock, particularly if the top of the leg is done up a sized needle which accommodates his calf better. Here I used a US size 2 for the leg and then switched to a US size 1 for the foot. Given the relatively small diameter of his ankle compared to his calf though, I think next time I would only do the top few inches with the larger needle. Using a smaller needle for the bottom ribbing gives a firmer fabric that stands up a bit better (though his omnipresent boots keep these from slouching there during the day).
The heel is a variation on the German heel found in the Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush. I did it across just 36 stitches, instead of adding 4 stitches from the instep to either side. I have been curious to try different heel shapes for him, as he really likes the Black Man-Socks with the Dutch heel from the same source. Some may remember that he liked those socks so much I had to replace the toes due to wear a while ago.
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